The market is immature Dell doesn't plan to do VR headlines in the short term

VR is now hot, in addition to HTC, Oculus, Sony and Samsung, the mainstream VR head display factory, there are many manufacturers to do VR head display. These heads are either relying on an all-in-one machine that does not rely on mobile phones or computers, or relying on the unique advantages of eye-tracking technology to hope to make a comeback in the market. In the future, more and more businesses will be rushing towards the big cake of VR. For VR, Dell executive Frank said that although it has a very broad prospects, but within a short time Dell does not consider developing their own brand of VR headset.

Frank was the general manager of the Alien Products Division at Dell, and Dell Alien also introduced several host computers and portable hosts that meet the needs of VR. However, he admitted in the interview that Dell will not be in the next few years. Do your own head display. He believes that virtual reality is the future of PC. From the current popularity and people's reactions, we can understand that VR is as popular as games. However, behind the prosperity, we need to realize that this market is not yet mature.

Frank believes that VR Headset can still not solve a series of problems such as motion sickness, and in a short period of time, this issue will always plague users and developers. Although Dell can not develop its own VR headset, but it can be sold through some of the ancillary equipment to participate in the VR market, such as portable host. Virtual reality will continue to improve with the development of technology, and Dell will always wait for opportunities to play a greater role in this market.