The most secure Telegram also collapsed and account information can be cracked

Telegram is known as the most secure instant messaging application, so it is also very popular in Ilang and other places, with tens of millions of users. However, a recent incident showed that it may not be as safe as it was.

Two researchers, Collin Anderson and Claudio Guarnieri, discovered that dozens of Telegram users have been redirected by SMS, and the attacker can fully obtain account information and read chat records and contact information.

The attack is aimed at Telegram's account security system, not the encryption of information between accounts. When a user adds a new device to the Telegram account, it needs to be confirmed by a one-time SMS message, but if the message is intercepted, the account will be cloned to a malicious device, but the end-to-end encrypted chat content cannot be read on the malicious device.

Users can add a password during the authentication process to solve this problem, but few people do so now. So if anyone can control the telecommunications company network, you can clone the Telegram account, which is particularly suitable for the relevant departments.

In Ilang, it has apparently been affected, including journalists and civil rights organizations. The two researchers stated that state-owned telecommunications companies have a high probability of participating.

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