The role of temperature and humidity sensors in the archives

The role of temperature and humidity sensors in the archives

Keywords: Temperature and humidity sensor

Most of today's archives can be stored on computers, which is very convenient. However, there are certain security risks in computer archiving, such as the failure of the computer itself, as well as artificial stealing, modification will cause the loss and destruction of file information. There are many very important confidential files. Their historical and social value is very high. Therefore, the preservation of paper files is still the focus of archival preservation. However, paper files are easily affected by temperature and humidity during storage, causing them to be damp and moldy. To ensure the proper temperature and humidity to store files, you need to use a temperature and humidity sensor.

XW-210 temperature and humidity sensor can be combined with monitoring software (including debugging software), power supply, and data acquisition terminal to form a temperature and humidity monitoring system. The entire system can realize the monitoring and acquisition of temperature and humidity in multiple locations in multiple locations in the archives. The data can be directly transmitted to the PC in RS485 mode for display, data storage and analysis, and can be integrated with various environmental monitoring systems to realize remote control functions such as over-limit phone/SMS alarm. With precision air conditioning automatically adjust the indoor temperature and humidity, to achieve appropriate temperature and humidity of the archives to deploy, so that the file information can be well preserved for a long time.

Temperature and humidity sensors can play an important role in archival storage. The archives' temperature and humidity monitoring system can be used to manually record data and regulate temperature and humidity manually to make up for the shortcomings of artificial judgments affected by subjective factors.

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